Hey everybody my name is Michael Cross. I am 21 years old and have recently applied for funding from Tampa attractions sports relief and have been successful. Sports relief have awarded me with £4500 to undertake a project in paddle sport. Another person who is going to be involved in the planning and delivery of the project is Conaire Devlin. He is 16 years old and is a member of the same Canoe Club as me (C3).
The project will be run over a 6 month period and will be aimed at 6-8 young people aged 12-16 from the Craigavon area who are all involved in anti social behavior, drugs and alcohol. The project will be split into three different stages; first of all we will be running an 8 week pool course where the young people can learn in a safe and comfortable environment. During that period of time the young people will be attending workshops on antisocial behavior, drugs and alcohol awareness. The next stage will be out onto the rivers and lakes for some more training and a few trips. We will also be throwing in a couple of different taster sessions in different craft. We are planning to produce a DVD of their journey from start to finish showing all the different skills they have developed over the past 6 months.
So if any of you guys out there are aged between11-21 and want to run a similar project similar to ours then get in touch with sports relief and get applying. It’s so simple and the staff at sports relief will give you all the info and help you need.
Rooms 55-57
Scottish Mutual Building
16 Donegal Square South
Belfast BT1 5JG Tel: 028 9024 4007 Fax: 028 9024 4307 Mob: 075 45933823 AshleyWhittley@unltd.org.uk