£10,000 Funding up for Grabs!!!!!!
The UnLtd Sport Relief ‘Make it Happen’ Awards are accepting final applications for ‘Do It’ level of these awards. This is the last opportunity that these awards will be distributed to youth in Northern Ireland, under the current programme.
Are you aged between 18 and 21? Have a passion for your local community? Want to run your own recreational project for a year? If so, you could qualify for a grant to cover both living expenses and project costs. UnLtd Sport Relief ‘Make it Happen’ Awards are now accepting applications for their ‘Do It’ grants. If interested, read on……….
What is the UnLtd Sport Relief ‘Make It Happen’ Programme?
UnLtd Sport Relief ‘Make It Happen’ awards will provide mentoring support, training and funding from £250 – £10,000 to youth aged 11-21 who want to use sport and/or recreational activities to overcome issues and bring people together in their community. Funding is available at three levels, Try It (£1,000), Shape It (£5,000) and Do It (£10,000). The ‘Do It’ level of funding is an open competition that is only awarded quarterly to youth aged 18 to 21 and the only level of funding that covers living expenses. The closing deadline for applications at all levels is October 2010. There will not be a further opportunity to apply for an award, under the current funding programme, after this date.
What type of ‘Do It’ projects are we looking for?
The project should be something that you are passionate about, but we are also interested in how you will use that activity to bring about change! Projects should aim to:
• Bring people together; especially people who would not normally get to know each other, eg pupils from different schools, young people of other cultures/religion, old and young people, etc.
• Help overcome issues, such as anti-social behaviour, crime, gang culture, misuse of alcohol or drugs, obesity, health, disaffected youth, etc.
To date Do It projects have been funded in the areas of sport, theatre, DJ/community radio and establishing a community gym to address issues such as anti social behaviour, obesity, lack of facilities, health and disaffected youth. Case studies of successful Do It award winners are available on www.unltdsportrelief.com/previous.html
Application forms can be downloaded from www.unltdsportrelief.com or by contacting the office on 028 9024 4007. Deadline for submitting an application and mini business plan is Monday 11 October 2010 and interviews are scheduled for Wednesday 13 October 2010. Before you submit an application and mini business plan it is recommended that you contact the office to discuss. Good Luck!