As you may be aware, back in September Sport NI launched the second strand of its ‘Supporting Sport to Build Back Better’ programme – Project Re-Boot: Activate. Sport NI partnered with Crowdfunder to offer £650,000 of match funding to local sports clubs and community groups (that use sport to deliver their objectives) to help sport in Northern Ireland Build Back Better.
If any of your sports clubs or community organisations have been adversely affected by the pandemic, and have a sports project (not capital build) that will help them Build Back Better, then Activate could be just the fund for them. To get a better idea of what’s involved in planning and running a Crowdfunder campaign, have a look at the live Activate Campaigns here.
Sport NI are aware that crowd-funding may be a completely new way of securing funding for many in the NI sports sector and as such we have developed a number of training and support initiatives for prospective applicants. We are hosting the second webinar on the 19th January (link below), we would encourage applicants to attend this training course before uploading a crowd funding project on the Crowdfunder platform.
Finally full details about the Activate programme (including, criteria, eligibility and FAQs) are available on the SNI website Project Re-Boot: Activate | Sport NI. If you have any specific queries, do not hesitate to contact one of the team at