Sea kayaking survey

The Scottish Canoe Association (SCA) is carrying out research into Sea Kayaking in Scotland in order to help us understand more about where paddlers go & how often we get out. With the rapid proliferation of marine renewable energy proposals coming forward, & the SCA being expected to comment on them, it would be useful if we had a better understanding of what sea kayakers are doing around Scotland’s coastlines. Hence the reason for undertaking this survey.

You can get to the questionnaire via the SCA website at: or just go directly to the Survey Monkey website at: .

I would be really grateful if you could forward the link to the survey to as many sea paddlers as possible please. We want the views of members & non-members alike, plus those who live in Scotland & others that visit Scotland to paddle up here; so please forward the link to this survey to members of your club, colleagues at work & anyone else you know that is involved in sea paddling.

Thank you for your help in this matter. We appreciate your time & effort in completing this survey.

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