My name is Ray Mc Cullagh and I am conducting this survey as part of a Level 8 BA in Outdoor Education. This survey aims to explore the types of incidents that occur in sea kayaking in Ireland. An incident is where an unexpected occurrence results in harm (physical or emotional), injury, loss or disruption to a sea kayaking trip. A near miss, where a potential incident was averted can also be submitted. The aim of this research is not to name, blame or shame anyone but to help inform the sea kayak community, create awareness and stimulate debate on how incidents unfold. The survey hopes to identify common causes to incidents and ultimately help in reducing the number of potential incidents. To begin with, think of an incident you were involved with and answer the following questions in relation to that ONE incident. Please fill in multiple entries for multiple incidents. If you would like a copy of the findings pleases email at a later date to protect anonymity.
Please follow link for Sea Kayak Incident Survey