Elliott Davidson

elliot davidson

Name: Elliot Davidson Date of Birth: 30/10/1994 Hometown: Nottingham Occupation: Full time athlete

How long have you been involved in performance canoeing/kayaking?

8 years

What motivated you to begin performance canoeing/kayaking?

Just my love for the sport, you’re just continuously learning all the time it’s so much fun.

What is your main discipline?

K1M Canoe Slalom

Which club are you a member of?

Manchester Canoe Club

Who is your coach?

Eoin Rheinisch & Huw Swetnam

What are you greatest achievements thus far?

Making the Irish senior team and getting to compete all around the world.

What do you hope to achieve in the future?

Who knows what the future holds all I hope is that I’m enjoying the sports as much as I am now.

Who have been the greatest influences in your career?

My parents

Who are you currently sponsored by?

Athlete Store

Celtic paddles


Easy Composites



Level Six





Zet Kayaks UK

When you’re not canoeing/kayaking what do you like to do in your spare time?

Messing around on my computer or playing on my xbox.

Do you have any superstitions before you compete?


Which sporting athlete you admire the most?

Peter Kauzer

What, if any injuries have you sustained?

Sports hernia

Website: http://www.elliottdavidson.com/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Elliott-Davidson/176036795798475

Twitter: https://twitter.com/ElliottDavidson

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/ElliottDavidson

Blog: http://www.elliottdavidson.com/blog/