How long have you been involved in performance canoeing/kayaking?
3 years.
What motivated you to begin performance canoeing/kayaking?
I started slalom to try and improve my white water-paddling, however once I started I found it much more enjoyable than paddling the rivers and I now spend very little time in river boats.
What is your main discipline?
Canoe Slalom
Which club are you member of?
Lisburn City Paddlers
Whos your coach?
Matt McKnight
What are your greatest achievements thus far?
Competing at the 2015 Junior and the under 23 World Championships in Brazil.
What do you hope to achieve in the future?
I want to keep racing at a high standard around the world and begin to devote more of my time to training. I intend to move to a white-water course when I finish school in 2016.
Who has been the greatest influence on your career?
My parents have been a huge influence in my career, and continue to do so in so many ways.
Who are you currently sponsored by?
I currently don’t have any sponsors.
When your not canoeing/kayaking, what do you like to do in your spare time?
Training takes up most of my time, however when I have a free day I like to be on the coast. I enjoy surfing and coasteering, i really enjoy being in the sea.
Do yo have superstitions before you compete?
I always try to go for a paddle early in the mornings on race day.
Who is your most admired sports person?
No specific person, anybody who is committed to improving and racing to a high standard, whatever the sport, has my admiration.
What if any injuries have you sustained?
None (so far!)
Twitter: @Alimccreery2