How long have you been involved in Performance canoeing/kayaking?
What motivated you to begin performance canoeing/kayaking?
I loved sport and the water. Sprint racing seemed like a natural progression and I have never looked back since the CANI Talent Try-out.
What is your main discipline?
Canoe Sprint
Which club are you a member of?
Northern Ireland Squad
Who is your coach?
Gary Quittenton.
What are your greatest achievements thus far?
3rd at the British National Championships 2015 in both 200m and 500m
What do you hope to achieve in the future?
My aim in the coming years is to compete in the Europeans and World Championships with the ultimate dream to compete at the Tokyo Olympic Games 2020.
Who has been the greatest influence on your career?
I know it’s cheesey but I would have to say my mum. She is always telling me the positives, is always right – even if I don’t admit it sometimes, and is my greatest motivator!
Who are you currently sponsored by?
UKSport, Lottery Funding and Sport NI. CANI and British Canoeing have also been supporting me throughout my performance.
When you are not canoeing/kayaking what do you like to do in your spare time?
I am doing a Part Time Degree with Open University in Mathematics and Statistics.
Do you have any superstitions before you compete?
No I don’t have any.
Which sporting athlete do you admire the most?
I don’t really have a specific I kind of look to multiple people for inspiration or an answer. I would say probably the current Senior Women’s Canoe Sprint Squad.
What if any injuries have you sustained?
None from training.
Twitter: @AftonFitzhenry