Dear Member
CANI, with assistance from Sport N.I, have appointed the legal firm of Cleaver Fulton Rankin to review and amend CANI’s legal company structure. This project has come as a result of our continued growth and the increased assets since our current legal structure was developed. Cleaver Fulton Rankin have assessed the current legal structure and have made the recommendations listed below for consideration.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING (as part of the AGM) of CANI will be held at Bryson LaganSports on 25 February 2015 at 7pm to consider and, if thought fit, pass the following respective resolutions which will be proposed as special resolutions of the members of the Association:
SPECIAL RESOLUTIONS – For consideration at the Special General Meeting:
That this meeting of the Canoe Association Northern Ireland hereby resolves to:-
- change the legal structure of the Association from an unincorporated association to a company limited by guarantee to be a charity (New Charity);
- approve the form of Articles of Association (attached hereto) as the form of Articles of Association for the New Charity subject to any amendment as may be required by any regulator and as agreed by the Council;
- authorise the Council to proceed to incorporate the Canoe Association Northern Ireland as a charitable company limited by guarantee and that in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Articles of Association that the named individuals as follows be the subscribers to the Memorandum and therefore the first members of the New Charity and are appointed as the first company directors and trustees for the Canoe Association Northern Ireland (company limited by guarantee with charitable status)
Peter Dew: Director, Chairman
Mary Doyle: Director, Company Secretary; - authorise the Council to take all steps necessary to change the legal structure of the Association including the power to dispose of all assets by way of a transfer of all the undertakings held by or in the name of the Association after satisfaction of debts and liabilities to the New Charity (once incorporated and registered as a charity) with effect from a transfer date to be agreed by the Council in due course in consultation with advisers;
- subject to the incorporation of the New Charity, dissolve the Association at an appropriate time determined by the Council.
It should be noted that the room will also have wheelchair access.
By order of the Council
Mary Doyle
Registered Office:
Unit 2 Rivers Edge
13 -15 Ravenhill Road
The Members of the Association