The Brites Erne Canoe Rally is a not for profit – fun competitive canoeing/kayaking event open to all abilities and age groups. In an effort to try and attract people to Lough Erne and visit the New Lough Erne Canoe Trail Share have decided to resurrect the highly successful event. Working in Partnership with the Canoe Association for Northern Ireland the event will be included in their national event plans and run to a very high standard attracting 200 or more paddlers from all over Northern and Southern Ireland. A number of classes and special disciplines are available for teams of 3. The idea of the event is that the teams must choose and compete in the same boat across all disciplines, a special fancy dress element in the theme of ‘super heroes’ will be scored at the Saturday evening disco.

The Erne Canoe Rally we have decided to change the entry fee to £20 for juniors and students. The standard price is still £35 which includes: Entry, Prizes, T-shirt, Saturday evening dinner, camping, disco and liscensed bar.

For more information and contact details look at flyers,

 erne canoe rally page1

erne canoe rally page 2

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