Live Active Volunteering Opportunity!!


 Volunteer Role Descriptions

Required for “Superfamily 2K”

Date: 12th March 2017

Venue: Foyle Arena and St.Columb’s Park, Londonderry

Time: 10am – 12.00pm



Responsible to: Live Active NI Active Recreation Officer

Marshall Main role: 

Ø  Assisting the Active Recreation Officer to prepare the route for the event and assist in clearing the venue at the end of the event;

Ø  Encouraging the participants as they are going around the event, particularly those at the back of the field;

Ø  Ensuring correct direction of participants at the event. Before the run navigating them to the start, navigating them around the course and after the run through the finish funnel and on to the after party in the sports hall;

Ø  Ensuring safety of participants during the event. Look out for distressed or unwell runners. Distressed runners should be rare at this 2k distance, Marshall should be able to suggest they either withdraw, rest or slow down.

For further information or to register please contact:

Live Active NI’s Active Recreation Officer Kieran Coyle  07799038327



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