Jessie Brown to take on the North Channel

Jessie Brown (18) from Portaferry is taking to the seas this week in a kayak with an aim to complete the crossing of the North Channel from Donaghadee, Northern Ireland to Portpatrick, Scotland.  

Jessie will be paddling in a double sea kayak with her Dad, Will Brown, and together they hope to complete the journey in under 5 hours.

Jessie has just completed her A-levels at Regent House in Newtownards and in 2 weeks will be heading to Bristol University to study Geography with Innovation.
She is an out-door enthusiast and as well as winning a number of notable kayaking gold medals, she has achieved outstanding results in athletics, cross country and mountaineering events.  Jessie also recently finished her Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award.
In Summer 2018, Jessie has been selected to take part in a Raleigh International expedition to Nepal, where she will carry out community work in the Himalayas.
“I have to raise almost £2,500 to enable me to participate in Raleigh International’s overseas work and whilst this is a pretty daunting target, I just see it as part of the challenge”.
Jessie and her dad have been training over the summer months and are now awaiting a weather window to make their attempt at the crossing, hoping to set a new record for a mixed double in the process.

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