There are over 20 clubs affiliated to the Canoe Association of Northern Ireland. They are based all over Northern Ireland though predominantly east of the Bann. However, no matter where they are based most clubs will travel to where the water is; whether that be whitewater or sea or lakes. So if there is not a club based very close to where you live don’t let that put you off.
If you haven’t paddled a canoe before most clubs will run introductory sessions. When you contact a club they will advise you on what gear they can lend to get you started. Canoes can be expensive but most people start with secondhand canoes and until you start paddling you don’t know what kind you want so don’t buy before you start.
Have a look at the ‘Opportunities Near You’ Map and find a local club. Most clubs will take part in all canoeing disciplines though some do concentrate on one or two aspects as well as having other social benefits. Canoeing is generally safer as well as more fun when you do it with like-minded people.