Canoe and Kayak Intervarsities

February 3, 2017 – February 5, 2017 all-day
Shaws Bridge, Roe, Blackwater, Knockbraken Reservoir, River Lagan
Free to watch
Facebook @KayakIntervarsities2017

This year the Ulster University will be hosting the Canoe and Kayak Intervarsities in Belfast from Friday 3rd February – Sunday the 5th February. Throughout the weekend Universities from across Ireland will compete in the following competitions;

Friday – will be the Slalom and Freestyle at Shaw’s Bridge
Saturday – will be Whitewater Race at either the Roe or the Blackwater and Polo at Knockbracken reservoir
Sunday – will the Long distance race on the Lagan

If you are close to any of the events why not go along to cheer on the competitors.

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