Equality Standard

CANI are committed to tackling inequality and through funding from Sport N.I have achieved foundation level of The Equality Standard: A Framework for Sport (the Standard).

Ashley Hunter (CANI), Angela Mylroi (CANI) & Antoinette McKeown (Sport NI)

Reflecting on the achievement of the seven sporting organisations, Chief Executive of Sport Northern Ireland, Antoinette McKeown, commented:

“The Equality Standard provides our local sporting organisations with the adequate support to open sport up to all sections of the community”.

“I am delighted that these organisations have engaged with equality, both within their internal structure and process, and in the form of developing actions and initiatives which encourage participation in sport by everyone”.

Thanks to Angela Mylroi for completing this equality standard and we look forward to further work in this area. For a look back at the work that went into achieving the standard, read last months news item on the equality standard.

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