Discipline Support Module Weekend – Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th February 2015

CANI have Sprint and Slalom Discipline Support Module 1 (DSM 1) planned for February 2015. The Discipline Support Modules are designed to assist Coaches who currently hold British Canoeing Coaching Qualifications, and who want to gain more knowledge about some of the more specialist disciplines.
These courses are open to all coaches, but there will be a reduced rate for coaches who are involved within the following criteria, this will need supported by your Club Chairperson;


  • Coaching on a Junior Bladers programme
  • Coaching either Racing/Sprint or Slalom techniques on a weekly basis with your club, throughout the clubs operating times
  • Coaching either Racing/Sprint or Slalom with the CANI Squads
  • Currently developing a Sprint or Slalom programme in your club and flyers have been produced to promote this.

Saturday 7th February 2015 9.30am – 4.30pm
Slalom DSM 1 will be held at Belfast Indoor Bowls Club. The course introduces and explains the basic techniques and strategies for coaching slalom Paddlesport. The course is a mix of theory and practical activity to ensure everyone has time to try things out. The module seeks to support the continuing process of good coaching practice on the riverbank, with the syllabi written to focus on coaches who are likely to be supporting the beginners.

This is a self catered course so you can either bring a pack lunch or avail of the cafe at Belfast Indoor Bowls Club which is very reasonable.

The cost for the Slalom DSM 1 is as follows;

  • £30.00 for the days training
  • £10.00 is the reduced rate for the days training if you meet the criteria above.

Registration is required for Disicpline Support Modules. You register by completing a CR Form and returning it to office@cani.org.uk with payment of £17.50.

Sunday 8th February 2015 9.30am – 4.30pm
Sprint DSM 1 will be at Belfast Indoor Bowls Club. The course introduces and explains the basic techniques and coaching strategies. The module seeks to support the continuing process of good coaching practice on the riverbank, with the syllabi written to focus on coaches who are likely to be supporting beginners.

This is a self catered course so you can either bring a pack lunch or avail of the cafe at Belfast Indoor Bowls Club which is very reasonable.
The cost for the Sprint DSM 1 is as follows;

  • £30.00 for the days training
  • £10.00 is the reduced rate for the days training if you meet the criteria above.

Registration is required for Disicpline Support Modules. You register by completing a CR Form and returning it to office@cani.org.uk with payment of £17.50.

For further information on the Discipline Support Modules please contact Rodger Hamilton E; rodgerhamilton@cani.org.uk or M; 07747794343.

To book on, please fill in the Booking Form and return to CANI or office@cani.org.uk you can by cheque or via paypal.
Bookings for the Coach and Paddler Development Weekend will close on Monday 2nd February 2015.

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