Clubmark 2014

Clubmark N.I. is Sport Northern Irelands quality junior accreditation that demonstrates to sporting partners, local authorities, schools and parents that a club meets the minimum operating standards to ensure clubs serve young people well, by offering a quality experience in a welcoming environment.

Junior sports clubs can achieve Clubmark N.I. accredited status by meeting minimum operating standards in the areas of:

  • Effective Management;
  • Quality Coaching; and
  • Competition Safety in Sport.

Further information on the scheme and how to commence your accreditation process can be found here

Congratulations Erne Paddlers

Olympic gold medallist Etienne Stott presents Trevor Foster from Erne Paddlers with the clubs Clubmark Certificate

Olympic gold medallist Etienne Stott presents Trevor Foster from Erne Paddlers with the clubs Clubmark Certificate

CANI would like to congratulate Erne Paddlers on the completion of CANI Clubmark. Olivia Cosgrove along with her Clubmark committee started their journey to Clubmark in March 2013 where they started developing policies around Effective Management, Quality Coaching, Competition and Safety in Sport. The Club worked very hard over the last year in implementing these policies into the day to day running of their club, which is working at a very high standard. All aspects of the club are very well managed. Well done to all members of Erne Paddlers!

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