Club Committee Development Day

This event is designed to support clubs, committees and members, with the idea to bring clubs together through various different interactive workshops which will increase skills and knowledge. This will be an ideal networking opportunity to share best practice with others.

The event will be held at the Seagoe Hotel in Portadown from 9.00am – 4.00pm. Lunch and refreshments will be provided on the day.

Throughout the day there will be workshops delivered by experts on the following areas;

  • How do clubs get money to develop – Geoff Wilson Consultancy – Sports Strategist
  • The benefit of inclusive clubs – Danny Cooper and Judith Brennan – Active Club Coordinators – Disability Sport NI
  • Profiling and growing your club – Scott McNeill – Performance Coach Developer – Great Britain Hockey
  • Practical systems for your club

We have allocated three places for each club, to book your free places on this event please follow link; Club Support Day