CANI News Splash February 2021, Ed.4

Quoile Yacht Club
Invitation to Local Paddlers

Tucked away in sheltered waters at the southern end of Strangford Lough and the mouth of the Quoile River, you will find Quoile Yacht Club.  Situated between Downpatrick and Strangford Village it is one of the Lough’s hidden gems. 


QYC has a proud 60 year history, encompassing people from all walks and stages of life with a love of the water.  Where people meet, share experiences and stories, passing on knowledge and skills.


It boasts some of the best facilities on the Lough, with two slipways, a 100 metres of pontoon, accessible year round and on all tides.  We have changing and showering facilities, a camping area and secure parking. 


The Clubhouse stands right on the water’s edge with stunning lough views from every vantage point. It has a bar and comfy lounge with an outside patio and bbq area overlooking the water

We would like to highlight our club and its facilities to the paddle sport community and invite you to visit our beautiful club, with the aim of developing partnerships with interested clubs and groups and to encourage regular kayaking, canoeing or paddle boarding from here.


This is the perfect venue from which to begin and end your journey as you explore the beauty of Strangford Lough, its Islands and wonderful wildlife.

If you would like further information or to come and see us, please contact Lucy Anderson at 

Sport NI Young Person Panel

The Sport NI Young Person’s Sport Panel aims to give a voice to young people, who are passionate about youth representation and sport, and want to make sure that young people have a voice in influencing how Sport NI and the sporting sector delivers the best sporting opportunities and experiences for everyone.

Sport NI want to welcome anyone who will give a voice for young people, from any walk of life and who wants to make a difference. You do not have to be an expert in sport.

Sport NI would like some of the panel members to have experience of sport but equally Sport NI would like some panel members to be from outside of the sporting system to give us diverse perspectives and experiences.

Sport NI want panel members who are aged between 16-23 years old and live in Northern Ireland.

Sport NI need you to be able to commit preparation and attendance time to our meetings four times a year, plus any voluntary learning hours you want to commit to – Sport NI want to support your development.

Sport NI need you to be able to commit to a 12 months term as a minimum. You will need to complete an Access NI check.

It will help of you are a big picture thinker, a good team player, who wants to learn and make a difference. 

For the guidance notes and expression of interest form please click here .

British Canoeing AGM
Saturday 13th March 2021

British Canoeing is holding its Annual General Meeting on Saturday 13 March 2021.

In order to comply with current Covid-19 government guidelines this year’s British Canoeing AGM will be a virtual meeting, hosted by LUMI.

The meeting will start at 10.00am and members of CANI are invited to attend.

Further details on the AGM, including registration and proxy voting arrangements are provided here.

Canoe Wales White Water Talk
Friday 26th February 2021 at 6.30pm

CANI members are invited to the Canoe Wales online White Water talk on Friday 26th February 2021 at 6.30pm.  

To register please click here.

New and Lapsed CANI Members

To view the CANI homepage please click here

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