CANI 2021 – The Vision for the Future
CANI are currently two years into the current development plan and will continue delivering it until March 2017. We are now at the start of the planning stage of the 2017 – 2021 strategy and would like to involve all members, non-members and stakeholders at this early stage.
In previous years CANI have created a strategy to align with the priorities of our funders however we want the 2017-2021 strategy to be written to reflect the feedback received and the proposed direction of our members and stakeholders.
CANI are focused on creating a strategy that will develop canoeing to become a high profile watersport in Northern Ireland with a greater participation and performance population.
It is important that members and non-members and those with an interest in canoeing provide their thoughts as part of this consultation and help shape the future of canoeing from 2017 – 2021.
Over the next eighteen months there will be four stages of the process which are detailed below;
Stage (1) Consultation – October 2015 – February 2016 (Complete)
- CANI members were sent a letter inviting them to contribute to the consultation.
- CANI Clubs were asked to arrange a club meet where a CANI official attended and discuss the vision with club members.
- A survey was available to members and non-members.
- CANI committees were asked to consider the vision and provide feedback.
- Paddlesport related outdoor providers within N.I. were sent a letter inviting them to contribute to the consultation.
- Outdoor retailers in N.I. were sent a letter inviting them to contribute to the consultation.
Stage (2) Broad planning – March 2016 – June 2016
CANI will collate all of the information gathered and will produce a summary of the priorities for the future. And the findings will be published on the CANI website and a short period of additional feedback will be made available. In June 2016 the findings will form the foundation of the 2017-2021 strategy.
Stage (3) Detailed planning stage – July 2016 – September 2016
CANI will assess the findings and prepare a draft strategy for 2017 – 2021. At this stage the approved strategy will be high level and won’t include details on how the plan will be delivered.
Stage (4) Create and finalise the strategy and operational plans – October 2016 – March 2017
A subcommittee of CANI council will create the final strategy and operational plans and will present the draft to CANI council in February 2017. The final document will be circulated after March 2017.
The outcome of this four stage process will provide the strategic direction for CANI for the coming years so it is important that you engage in the process and ensure that your vision for canoeing within Northern Ireland is expressed.
We aim to provide regular updates on the consultation process and welcome any thoughts you might have over the next eighteen months. If you would like to email any thoughts please send them to or call 02890738884