Have you ever wondered what is feels like to sit in a racing kayak, used in events such as the Olympics? now its your turn to try it.
Belfast Canoe club are hosting try racing sessions, where you can have the opportunity to try paddling a racing kayak as used in the Olympics.
you must have some previous kayak experience.
When: 3rd June
Time: 2pm-4pm
Cost: £7
Venue: Shaws bridge, Belfast, BT9 5YN
All equipment will be provided on the day, so you wont need any specialist kit to take part, however it is recommended you wear comfortable clothing such as light tracksuit bottoms (not jeans) and layered tops, as well as any water/windproof over layers and a pair of comfortable shoes with secure fastenings. You must bring a towel and spare change of clothes to travel home in, just incase you get wet.
It is important to check the weather before leaving the house, to ensure you bring the more suitable clothing to suit the conditions. If it is sunny, don’t forget to wear waterproof sun cream, and a hat.
Age 11+
Booking required
To register for this event, please contact belfastcanoeclub@gmail.com