Afton Fitzhenry – April Regatta

Afton Fitzhenry in Race Training

April regatta was the debut for my c1 racing career, the preparation started many months before – constantly adapting, changing, and challenging myself and my paddling. This regatta was the senior national competition held at the National Water Sports Centre in Nottingham.

In the days counting up I practiced my race plan usually a long steady paddle with some efforts making sure everything is set right; understanding the conditions – on race day it was an extremely strong slightly crossed head wind. Ideal! Not; but it was uncontrollable; and prepping nutrition.

The race was 200m – literally just go and hold on. The whole way down it was a constant battle to keep the boat moving efficiently and controllably in the wind. It was neck and neck the whole way – one of the closet races all weekend! I got 3rd meaning I was the 3rd best female in all of the UK! Absolutely chuffed with it, although my competitive side said you were an inch behind second you have to get it in May!

The regatta was a great baseline to start off the years racing and with loads of opportunities to progress and I look forward to racing at the next regattas!

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