CANI is a registered body with AccessNI, this allows us to to process Enhanced Disclosure checks for member clubs and centres in NI.
CANI is committed to ensuring that all employers, including providers, clubs and organisations carry out an enhanced disclosure check on any paddlesport related personnel working or volunteering with children, young people or vulnerable adults in regulated activity. The applicant/volunteer engaging in Regulated Activity must complete an Enhanced Disclosure Vetting Check prior to confirmation in the role.
Please see below a step by step guide on submitting an application and links to all relevant policies.
Applying for an enhanced check through CANI (as registered body)
Complete the CANI AccessNI Google Form via the link below. Please ensure you have read and understand the relevant AccessNI and CANI policies at the bottom of this page.
You need to have an account set up on nidirect, if you don’t already have an account, you can register as part of the application process. After registering, you must return to the main page to start your application.
To complete the online application, you’ll need:
- CANI specific PIN number – 189142
- Your address(es) for the last five years
- Your National Insurance Number
- Your Driving Licence and Passport Numbers (if you have these documents)
- You will be given a 10 digit application reference number required to complete Step 3.
You must complete an ID Validation form (click on the link below to download a PDF form) and provide THREE ID documents as detailed on the form. These must be verified and the form signed by a club committee member/safeguarding officer (please note this cannot be a family member).
If a club committee member is not available to verify your ID documents and sign the ID Validation form, verification of Access NI documents can be completed by Lyn Sherriff in the CANI office via a Zoom call.
Please contact Lyn directly via to arrange ID validation or for any further support.
Please ensure the following are correct before submitting your ID Validation form to CANI:
- Both pages of the ID Validation Form are completed ensuring the correct boxes are ticked for the ID’s provided.
- The 10 digit Application Reference must be completed
- The form must be signed and dated.
***Please note that AccessNI checks will not be processed until an ID Validation form has been received and due to the updated Access NI system, if we have not received your ID Validation Form, along with 3 copies of ID within 90 days of completing the online Enhanced Access NI Check, your check will be removed and you will have to apply again.
Please email all Access NI ID Validation forms & copies of the ID Documents to:
AccessNI and CANI Policies
CANI adhere to the Access NI Code of Practice a copy of which is available at the following link. Access NI Code of Practice
CANI have a policy on the recruitment of ex-offender a copy of which is available at the following link. Recruitment of ex-ofenders
CANI have a policy on secure handling, use, storage and retention of disclosure information a copy of which is available at the following link. Disclosure Information
Clubs can also download a Safeguarding Reference Form. Please note that this does not need to be forwarded to CANI.